Caos Web Manifest Gif1

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We, practitioners of magic and esotericism, live in an era where the centralized internet, dominated by corporations, limits our freedom and creativity. The web today, with its invasive logic and financial incentive to keep us in a profitable state of anxiety, envy, and distraction, hinders true connection and expression.

Problems of the Centralized Web

The logic of commercial social media keeps us in a constant cycle of seeking validation through likes and followers, alienating us from each other. The cult of individuality and personal branding distorts our perception of ourselves and our interactions. The internet, controlled by a few corporations, becomes a black box that keeps us dependent and unaware of the workings of our own devices.

The Need for an Alternative Web

For us, practitioners of magic and esotericism, censorship and corporate control directly threaten our freedom of expression and the exchange of knowledge. We need a web that allows us to explore, share, and learn without fear of repression, a network that respects our privacy and empowers us with full control over our creations and communications.

Inspirational Examples

Initiatives like Neocities show that it is possible to create and maintain independent spaces on the web. Neocities reopens the black box of websites, teaching HTML and CSS, encouraging independent research, and learning skills like file optimization. However, creating a personal website is just one of the many ways to combat the capitalist exploitation that permeates the internet.

Our Proposal: The Caos Web

The Caos Web will be a decentralized network of sites dedicated to magic and esotericism. Our goal is to create a space where esoteric knowledge can flourish without interference from large corporations. We encourage the creation of personal websites, blogs, and forums where practitioners can share their knowledge and experiences. But beyond that, we seek to transform online social relationships.

Transformation of Online Social Relationships

We can work on transforming online social relationships. Online social relationships tend to be divisive and hostile. It is easy to forget that there are real people on the other side of the screen. We must keep the humanity of others in mind and treat them with respect, using conflict as an opportunity to reach mutual understanding.

Social Media: A Humanizing Approach

Social media is toxic and exploitative, but it is also where people are. We must advocate for using these platforms in healthier and more humanizing ways. We can combat the follower and like culture by creating meaningful connections, responding to posts with the intent to make a real connection with their author.

Simple Actions to Start

  1. Education and Privacy: Teach your family and friends about the importance of privacy on the web. Encourage them to explore and learn about how the internet works.
  2. Conscious Disconnection: Take time to disconnect from corporate social media. Use this time to read, study, or engage in activities that bring joy and peace.
  3. Reflection on Digital Presence: Evaluate if your presence on social media makes you happy. If not, consider unfollowing certain accounts and see if this improves your well-being.
  4. Skill Development: Learn and teach essential console commands, torrenting, and other basic computing skills. Become more technologically independent.


The problems we face on the web reflect the same problems that exist in real life. By educating ourselves and others about privacy, data collection, and basic computing skills, we take important steps towards a freer and more independent internet. The Caos Web may not to overthrow the centralized web, but rather to offe a magical alternative where everyone can explore their esoteric interests without fear.

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